John Foster is the Principal, Superintendent, and assorted other big words at Bad People Good Things. He is a world-renowned designer, illustrator, author and speaker on design issues. His work has been published in numerous books and every major industry magazine, hangs in galleries across the globe and is part of the permanent collection of the Smithsonian. He is the proud recipient of a gold medal from the Art Directors Club as well as a Best of Show from the ADDYs and is a former President of ADCMW.
A prominent authority on poster design, Mr. Foster is the author of “New Masters of Poster Design” and “New Masters of Poster Design: Volume Two,” “1,000 Indie Posters,” “Dirty Fingernails: A One-Of-A-Kind Collection of Graphics Uniquely Designed by Hand,” “Maximum Page Design” as well as having the honor of penning the layout chapter of Debbie Millman’s “Principles of Graphic Design.” He has also written a long rumored monograph on Jeff Kleinsmith for Sub Pop Records and is the man behind the “Dirty Work” column on rockpaperink.com.
He has long been a supporter of design education, speaking at colleges and universities around the world, and serving on several committees over the years. The University of Maryland will always be special to him, as it is the place his parents met and married.
His presentation is entitled “I Am Good At This: How designer John Foster found his posters in the Smithsonian, his books sold all around the world and his favorite bands staying at his house.”

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